
HunicuM™ community brand group and HunicuM℠ media services consist of the following categories (brands):

The HunicuM™ name, community brand group, logo and their respective categories / community brands as well as HunicuM℠ media service name belong to Attila Lukács (hereinafter referred to as "Author"). 

Name and logo as well as Author's other work products, the exclusive property of Author, and therefore the international and the Hungarian copyright laws are subject to legal protection as the basis. 

Author indicates with ™ (Trademark) letters the composition of Author's intellectual and other products, services and their property to be sold, legally, as a designation without registration. Author also may indicate with ℠ (Service Mark) letters Website's social media services as a designation without registration.

Brand names, the logo "ATIL" written with székely-hungarian runic ligature (R2L) below & HunicuM™ logos are made by Attila LUKÁCS. 

Copyright © 2014-2023 Attila Lukács

Budapest, Hungary

Created on 02.02.2014

Last modified on 12.07.2023

The trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Hunicum™ and Website may not be used or reproduced without prior written approval from Author (or and may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not affiliated with or Author's name, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or merchants, in any manner that dilutes the rights of Author, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Other trademarks that appear on the Website and user interfaces are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by or Author. Any images of persons or personalities contained on Website and user interfaces are not an indication or endorsement of Author or any particular product or our service unless otherwise indicated.

Copyright © 2014-2020 Attila Lukács,

Budapest, Hungary



Occurrences of the word "Hunicum" and the phrase "Huni cum..." in books before the 20th century:


Aimoini monachi qvi antea annonii nomine editus eſt, Historiae Francorum Lib. V.

Aimoin of Fleury (Latin: Aimoinus (Annonius; Aemonius) Floriacensis; (c. 960 – c. 1010)

"cui caenobium fanEti Dionyfij in praemium datum: 

deque apparatu ad Hunicum bellum. Cap. LXXXIII."

* * * * *

Bibliotheca Antiqua 

Anno M D CC V.

Burcard Gotthelff Struve (1671-1738)

"niam videlicet, aduerfus Saracenos , vt ScAuares Hunnos- que, quos coniuneto vtroque nomine, Vngaros alias dittos effe Nofter vult. Poft bellum Hunicum & Saxonicum, Bohemanicum & Helinonicum exortum eft, qux prioribus minora fuere"

* * * * *

"vinum Hunicum"

1684 - Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis

Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange (December 18, 1610 in Amiens – October 23, 1688 in Paris). Philologist and historian of the Middle Ages and Byzantium.

"Alia vide apud Bodmann. Antiq. Rhingav. pag. 204. et 401. qui vinum Hunicum et Francum dictum vult Ungaricum et Gallicum. Lacombleto Archiv. Rheni infer. tom. 1. pag. 234. vinum Hunicum est quod Huni vel centenarii colligebant per centenas rusticas. Adde Scherz. Glossar. German. voce Huinsch, Plebeius, vilis, col. 712. et chartam ann. 1290. apud Bodmann. pag. 205. ubi Vinum nobile idem videtur, quod alibi vinum francum."

"Huni cum attila"

Compendium sive breviarium primi voluminis annalium sive historiarum (1515)

"Attila gothoßz Vua lamirus. Ardaricus. Huni cum attila des uaſtant imperium.

"Huni cum magno"

Johannis Trithemii Spanheimensis Primo, Deinde D. Iacobi Maioris Apud  (1601)

"Anno Hilperici registertio,Huni cum magno exercitu egreffi partes Francorum in ji:"

"Huni cum victoria"

Chronicon Budense

József Podhradczky (1795-1870)

"Postquam autem commisso prelio Cezmaur, rediissent Huni cum victoria ad sua tabernacula..."